Get in touch
Wingfield Academy
Wingfield Road
S61 4AU
Tel: 01709 513002
Please email the above address and a member of the admin team will respond or pass on to the most appropriate person.
Interact with us

Send us a message
Contacting Us
When visiting or telephoning the academy you will be greeted by our Receptionist: Mrs J Lord.
Reception Opening Times
Reception is staffed:
Term time (Monday – Thursday) 8:00am – 4:00pm (Friday) 8:00am – 3:30pm
- Holidays (Monday – Friday) 9:00am – 1:00pm
- Closed during the Christmas holiday.
Core School Day Times
Students should be in school by 8:25am as the gate will be locked shortly after. Students must be in learning by 8:30am.
Lessons finish at 3:00pm.
Reason for Contact
- If you are not sure who to contact, please make a general enquiry using the form above.
- If you wish to make a complaint to the academy, please follow the academy complaints procedure which can be found on our Trust Website.